Mar 6, 2014

No medicine for this bug..

I'm not entirely sure who coined the phrase travel-bug but I like the idea of ​​it. Someone with a bleeding desire to travel the world at a certain point in their life for an particular period of time. Generally speaking I feel like its mostly young-adults who are the ones to get the tag, which is definitely appropriate. Whether I'm in the middle of this "bug" or "sickness" if you will, I couldn't be happier about it. I 'm nearly 24 years old and I have committed everything in my life to see how much of this world I can explore. With no stop in sight I like to think of my situation as more of a virus (something a little more long- term). I just cant get enough of the people and complete unknown that comes with traveling. With that in mind it makes me think one day if I continue these international adventures I will come across the perfect career opportunity to cement myself into the travel world and to hopefully help others do the same. 

As I sit here typing in the Hong Kong International Airport I'm just hours away from landing in Bangkok and starting my most anticipated adventure yet. An eight month journey throughout Southeast Asia. No Travel companion. No friends awaiting arrival. No exact route in-store. Just a backpack of belongings, head on my shoulders, and list of places / things I want to see. I also plan do to some volunteer teaching about half through to break up the backpacking and give myself an opportunity to get grounded and become truly immersed in the Thai Culture.  With this being my first trip keeping an online blog (better late than never) I hope to not only share a little of the adventure along the way but to inspire and show people firsthand what its like to drop the certainties of home for the uncertainties of the road. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Cool Blog Name Little Bro! Can't wait to read about all your awesome adventures and live vicariously through you. Although - I think I'll pass on eating those scorpions in Bangkok. Love, Big Sis :)

  2. Why thank you! Really missing out on those scorpions though, delicious
