Aug 21, 2016

Back To Continental Europe

After almost a month away from Europe I landed safely in Lisbon, Portugal just a few days ago. I took my second visit to the distinctly diverse Morocco. My first visit of about 6 days left me feening for more and more is what I got. I ventured through 5 or so cities at a pace the Moroccans would definitely approve of. Whether it's the heat or the exorbitant amount of hash things just seem to run a little differently and slowly in all corners of the country. I'm on board with that. The hash and slow-paced lifestyle that is, not necessarily the heat. Even so the heat was something that was easily adaptable once there.

The change of scenery in regards to religion was an expected culture swing that I desperately needed. The mosques and constant calls to prayer were a good change of pace from the Cathedrals in every village, town and city across Spain. Even when I knew the calls to prayer were coming it was a sound that hit my ears with beauty. In the Islamic religion the call to prayer is meant to bring the believers and the non-believers together in thought(s) of their beliefs. While I can't say I know the beliefs to a "T", I got the general idea where I understand and have the mindfulness of what is going on around me and how important these 5 calls a day are.

Everything that embodies the religion, especially in the working to lower class citizens, made for a humbling and eyeopening experience. This could be things like the day-to-day clothing or diet of the people. Examples like the women can show little skin (traditionally) or alcohol is essentially forbidden to drink. Whatever it might be all these things added up to help me gain insight into a countries lifestyle completely different from mine.

After a second trip to Morocco I left with a slightly similar feeling as the first time, wanting to see just a little bit more. I know there will be a day where I step inside the boarders of that Northern African Country at least once more. For now, I hope you enjoy a few pictures that I took along the way.

Chefchaouen, The Blue City

Typical Moroccan Sandwich after a visit at the Casablanca Mosque

The base for many Moroccan dishes, THE TAJINE 

Legzira Beach, Morocco

Legzira Beach, Morocco

Essaouira, Morocco fish market 

Free ride???